About the hospital

Pacific Hospital is the only private hospital in the Far East
with foreign capital
Pacific Нospital is a multidisciplinary 24-hour hospital with foreign capital, confidently operating in the export of medical services.
The whole world is protected
In Vladivostok, the Pacific Multidisciplinary Hospital provides 24-hour highly qualified medical care.
Rob McDonald, Chairman of the Board of Directors, talks about the hospital
We guarantee to patients
- 24-hour supervision of anesthesiologists-resuscitators
during the entire stay in the hospital. - The presence of resuscitation equipment.
- A successfully functioning drug safety system.
- Compliance with confidentiality.
- Feeling secure and confident.
No pain or discomfort
A significant advantage is the ability to conduct research as needed under sedation or anesthesia (including for children aged 2 years and older).
Modern medicine strives for the greatest efficiency, safety and comfort for the patient. And anesthesiology is far from last. New, safe drugs for anesthesia have been invented, many devices have been invented that allow the anesthesiologist to detect the slightest deviation in the condition of a patient under anesthesia in a matter of seconds and, accordingly, take action with lightning speed. An individual approach is applied to each patient, the method of anesthesia is selected in accordance with all individual characteristics.
In the Pacific Hospital, the patient is prescribed premedication before the operation in order to minimize the feeling of fear and anxiety. With us you can forget about nausea and vomiting, hallucinations after anesthesia.
Comfortable conditions
and modern equipment
and day hospital
Pacific Hospital practices outpatient surgery methods, and the patient does not need to stay in the hospital for a long time after the operation. Therefore, to monitor the state of health of such patients, doctors use the Day Hospital (short-term hospital). And in the absence of contraindications, the patient goes home - and in modern conditions, when every minute counts, and when it is simply impossible to enter the time for treatment in a hospital into a busy schedule, it is a short-term hospital that becomes the choice of business people.
But treatment often requires a 24-hour hospital stay. And here the Pacific Hospital is ready to offer accommodation services in superior rooms equipped with modern high-tech equipment. We use only reliable and proven treatment methods in the best medical institutions in the world, which significantly shortens the recovery period for patients.
We work with equipment from manufacturers such as GE Healthcare (MRI, CT, X-ray, ultrasound, ECG), ATMOS (ENT, Gynecology) and Huvitz (Ophthalmology).
We work in the CHI system
Pacific International Hospital LLC participates in the implementation of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Program of the Primorsky Territory.
Clients of the Pacific Hospital have the opportunity to receive medical care without charging a fee under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Now you don't have to waste hours in the queue for coupons, since we work by appointment.
Turning to Pacific Hospital for help, our clients can be sure that they will receive a warm welcome, comfort and effective treatment, because our main goal is personal care for the health of our patients!
A paid ambulance and emergency medical service was organized on the basis of the hospital. Highly qualified specialists provide specialized assistance in trauma, cardiology, therapeutic, pediatric and surgical profiles. Also, ambulance teams provide medical transportation services, and not only within the city of Vladivostok, but also throughout the entire Primorsky Territory.
- From hospital to hospital.
- Home from hospital.
- Transportation of the patient for examination is possible.
Also, ambulance brigades provide security at mass events of various formats.
How the Ambulance
at Pacific Hospital works
Pacific Hospital employs more than
50 highly qualified doctors
The pride of the Pacific multidisciplinary hospital is the staff of our employees, who provide highly qualified medical care in accordance with the highest standards of patient treatment and care.