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Goncharov Andrey Vladimirovich

Goncharov Andrey Vladimirovich


врач-онколог (Oncologist) / врач-онколог, химиотерапевт


Work experience

15 years of work experience, since 2009

Areas of work

  • Oncology, mammology.
  • Fine needle biopsy under ultrasound control.
  • Core-a biopsy under the control of ultrasound.
  • Vacuum aspiration resection En Cor / Mammotome (endoscopic removal of fibroadenomas and other breast tumors).
  • Chemotherapy and accompanying therapy for various malignant tumors.
  • Surgical treatment for various skin and breast tumors, including radical mastectomy with simultaneous and delayed plastic surgery.


2011Vladivostok State Medical University, clinical residency in "Oncology"
2009Vladivostok State Medical University, doctor, specialty "Pediatrics"


Certification cycle in the specialty "Oncology", 2016-SBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education", Moscow

Certificate in the specialty "Oncology" - valid until 04.2021

"Ultrasound diagnostics", 2016-TSMU, Vladivostok

Certificate in the specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics" - valid until 01.2021

"Public health and public health" - 2017 doctor of Siberian state medical University, Tomsk

Certificate in the specialty "Health organization" - valid until 12.2022


Thematic improvement "Interventional Mammology" - 2019-Institute of Mammology, Staint Petersburg

School of Ultrasound Diagnostics-2019 – Saint Petersburg

Thematic improvement "Basic principles of the compulsory health insurance system" - 2019 - FSBEI VO SibSMU, Tomsk

International Course on Palliative Oncology-2019 – ASCO, RUSSCO, Vladivostok

Thematic improvement "Financial management and principles of planning in health care" - 2018 - FSBEI of Siberian state medical University Tomsk

Thematic improvement "Basics of radiological diagnosis" - 2018 - FSBEI of Siberian state medical University Tomsk

Thematic improvement " Lean technologies in a medical institution. Basic level (level A)" - 2018 - FSBEI of Siberian state medical University Tomsk

Thematic improvement "The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer patients" - 2017 - Burdenko State Medical University, Voronezh

Thematic improvement "Good clinical practice. GCP" - 2017 doctor of Siberian state medical University, Tomsk

Thematic improvement "Topical issues of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors" - 2017 - FGBOU VO IGMU, Irkutsk

Thematic improvement "Examination of temporary disability" - 2017 doctor of Siberian state medical University, Tomsk

Thematic improvement "Palliative care" - 2017-Yekaterinburg

Participant of the RUSSCO conference "Gastrointestinal tumors – colorectal cancer" 2016-Moscow

Practical course "Principles of installation and use of implantable port systems" - 2017-FEFU Vladivostok

Participant of the II Congress with international participation "Opening new horizons in the treatment of head and neck tumors" 2016-Moscow

Certification cycle: in the specialty "Oncology" on the basis of the Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin 2016-Moscow

School-seminar "Organization of palliative medical care for the population of Primorsky Krai in cancer" 2015-Vladivostok

Participant of the II Congress of the Russian Society of Oncomammologists 2015-Sochi.

Practical training course for working with a Mammotome vacuum installation 2014-Vladivostok

Participant of the First Congress of the Russian Society of Oncomammologists 2014-Sochi.

School-seminar "Organization of palliative medical care for the population of Primorsky Krai in oncological diseases" 2014-Vladivostok

Participant of the XVII Russian Cancer Congress 2013-Moscow

Thematic improvement "Modern possibilities of early diagnosis and treatment of malignant breast tumors" 2013-Vladivostok

Thematic school "Topical issues of diagnosis and therapy of malignant gliomas" 2013-Irkutsk
