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Pacific Hospital
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In the ICU (intensive care unit), patients are monitored after the end of the operation and before being transferred to the hospital. In simple operations, monitoring is carried out from half an hour to several hours, and only after making sure that the patient is fully awake after anesthesia, he has stable important indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, breathing, he is not bothered by pain - then the question of his transfer to the hospital is decided. After more complex operations, for example, when replacing the hip joint or a large operation on the stomach or intestines, the patient is observed and treated in the intensive care unit for about a day, or longer-until the condition is completely stabilized and vital functions are restored. The most severe category is patients with serious health problems that require temporary replacement of the functions of various organs and systems. For example, patients with extremely severe pneumonia are given artificial lung ventilation, patients with impaired renal function need renal replacement therapy, patients with extensive heart attacks are given medications that support heart function in very precise dosages using special infusion pumps-dispensers. To monitor the work of the heart, a heart monitor is used – a device that records a cardiogram in a given mode, measures blood pressure, pulse, saturation (the oxygen content in the blood, which is measured using a light beam through the nail). Some patients after a complex operation can not eat for several days. In such cases, the first days of nutrition are carried out intravenously with solutions of amino acids, which are administered at a certain precisely calculated rate. As soon as it is allowed to take food, feeding begins through the probe or the patient independently drinks special nutritional mixtures for postoperative feeding. We can control the adequacy of nutrition by a number of tests that our laboratory does. In some operations, to relieve pain in the postoperative period, an epidural anesthesia is performed in the intensive care unit, when a thin catheter is inserted into the nerve roots in the spine, and pain medication is constantly administered. This allows the patient to move freely and comfortably endure the first difficult days after the operation. The department provides individual nursing and medical posts around the clock. Each ICU employee not only accurately and painlessly performs all the manipulations assigned to the patient, but also has the skills to properly care for serious patients using the entire arsenal of modern tools and medicines. Thus, the capabilities of our intensive care unit allow us to successfully treat patients with various serious diseases, highly qualified anesthesiologists-resuscitators and nurses do everything necessary for a speedy recovery of the patient.
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Наличие высококлассных специалистов, медсестер
Наличие высококлассных специалистов, медсестер. Свой стационар, реанимация. Не бросают пациента ни в выходные, ни в праздники. Напишу коротко. Обострилась желчнокаменная болезнь, тысячекоечная больница не приняла по направлению из-за т. н. карантина. Пока суть да дело, на выходных случился приступ и потребовалась экстренная операция. В "Пасифик Хоспитал" оперативно вызвали специалиста, провели операцию, положили в свой стационар.
Отзыв с сайта Prodoctorov.ru, 12 июля 20215.0,Doctors 5, Staff 5, Treatment 5
12 июля 2021Уважаемый наш Пациент! Большое спасибо Вам за теплые слова. Ваш отзыв очень важен не только для нас, но и для всех, кому нужна или будет нужна помощь. Поэтому в нашей сфере отзывы имеют особое значение, и мы благодарны вам за то, что вы поделились своим мнением и возможно кому-то помогли сделать правильный выбор. Answer from Pacific Hospital,